Tired of having the same old fight?
There's a Better Way to Talk.

And yes you can have a great relationship without paying a therapist.

Download the guide

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    No one taught you how to have effective conversations with your sweetie. This guide does.

    You'll learn about:

    • Sharing your perspectives in a non-attacking manner.
    • Sharing feelings, triggers, & reasons why the recent event was so impactful for you.
    • Making an effective and specific apology for what you did during the fight.
    • Building a plan to make sure this issue does not end in a knock down drag out fight every time.

    After joining the mailing list you'll get:

    1. Periodic Relationship Tips
    2. The 5-Step Method for Better Communication
    3. Engagement with our amazing therapists
    4. Insightful blog posts and podcast episodes